Youth & Family Conference 2014

October 10-12, 2014

Westwood, MA

Saint Mark of Ephesus Orthodox Cathedral
340 Clapboardtree Street
Westwood, Massachusetts 02090
Phone: 617-469-2380
Fax: 617-469-2380

Growing Closer to Christ: The Mysteries

1. Proskomide and Holy Communion
2. Confession
3. Baptism/Chrismation/Holy Unction for grades 1-8
Marriage/Ordiantion for high school, college, and adults

Website | Flyer | Registration Form | Online Registration Form

Orthodox Awareness

Why the True Orthodox Are Truly Orthodox

A Rejoinder to Fr. Basil Gregoriates and an Apology for Breaking Communion with Ecumenist Bishops

In every age the devil tempts the faithful by various means: persecutions, foreign invasions, the lure of worldly seduction. Among his most effective snares are heresy and schism which, by separating Christians from the Church, lead them away from Christ and into spiritual deception and apostasy. Read more...


Saint Matthew the Evangelist, Jonesboro, Arkansas

Jonesboro is a town located near the Eastern border of Arkansas, with a population of approximately 60,000. From a human standpoint, it’s not the most likely candidate for a traditional Orthodox mission, but for an Orthodox Christian who orders his priorities around Christ and His Church, it makes perfect sense. Read more...


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Two-Headed Snake Cane?

Q. Can you tell me what the two-headed snake cane the Greek Bishop is walking with represents? What does it mean?