(G) The Ordination of Bishop Petros of Astoria in 1962

On November 29, 1962, at the Parish of Saint Markella, in Astoria, NYC, Archimandrite Petros (Astyfides) was ordained to the Episcopal dignity by His Eminence Archbishop Leonty of Chile, who was assisted by His Grace Bishop Seraphim of Caracas. Serving as Hieromonk was Eleutherios Moschos, and serving as HieroDeacon was Nikodemos Kalantis. Chanting were Hieromonk Akakios Ntouskos, and Presbyter George Markou. Present were Gerontissa Syglitiki, her sisterhood, Subdeacon Igor, and the future priest Vsevolod Dutikov. Mr. Dutikov drove the Russian bishops from Synod Headquarters in Manhattan to St. Markella's in Astoria, Queens. The ordination was done in secret. No photographs were taken, and certainly no home movies were recorded on any film camera. Recently, by the will of God, an audio recording of the ordination has been discovered. This is that recording.

Orthodox Awareness

(Ψευδο) Προφητείας Παϊσίου το ανάγνωσμα...

Εις την εφημερίδα «Ελεύθερην Ώραν» της 6-8-2009 (ν.η.) ανγράφεται το ακόλουθον δημοσίευμα υπό τίτλον «Ο Γράψας, ο Παϊσιος και η Προφητεία!»:

«Για τον στρατηγό Δ. Γράψα υπήρχε άλλη Προφητεία. Την φοβήθηκαν.

Από καιρό κυκλοφορεί η προφητεία του γέροντα Παΐσιου… Βέβαια, άλλο προφητεία, άλλο πραγματικότητα… Αλλά, κάπου υπάρχει μία άκρη! Read more...


Saint John of Kronstadt - Bunnell, Florida

St. John of Kronstadt Orthodox Church began as a mission parish in the year 2000, in a home chapel in Palm Coast, FL – a small town on Florida’s northeast coast located between St. Augustine and Daytona Beach. After two years, it became necessary to have services in area community centers, rented for Sundays and other Holy Days. Read more...


2023 Youth Conference

Please join us for the 2023 youth conference in Chicago, IL! To learn more, visit the home page or visit the conference website.

Ask A Priest

Why do we Call Angels “Saint”?

Q. I noticed that we call the angels Michael and Gabriel "Saint." I thought the title "Saint" was only given to humans who have proven themselves Godly. Do you mind clarifying this for me? Is there a deeper meaning to "Saint" that I am not aware of?
